A functionally rich PaperRound system works seamlessly with our VBR EPOS system. The POS system has been designed with your PaperRound customer as central to the solution.
The PaperRound has the following key features:
- Customer Management
- Round Management
- Publication Database
- Billing
Customer Management
- The POS system can handle all customer queries and service without having to go into the back office.
- Everything from taking payments, statement printing, customer round product changes to customer holiday booking can be done on the POS system.
- The POS system has been designed with an easy to use but rich interface to help provide a more intuitive and good customer service regardless of management or which staff handling the till operations.
- The ability to sell retail products on the POS on the customer account or via PaperRound will be included in the customer account.
- This opens more cross selling opportunities and even better customer loyalty and experience.
Round Management
- A highly flexible round planning, routing, and scheduling system.
- Unlimited round planning options available, such as AM, PM, WeekDays, Weekend, etc.
- Notes and instructions printed on the round sheets.
- Holidays and away days supported in both delivery planning and billing.
- Print rounds in advance of the actual delivery day in test mode.
- The round print will mark any holiday round entry line clearly for the paper boy or girl to avoid.
Publication Database
- A well maintained and regularly updated newspaper and magazine files with pricing.
- Round billing will use the delivery date prices for the item.
- Delivery charges and products can be by setup for a day for weekday, weekend, etc.
- Comprehensive voucher management facilities.
- Billing can be done daily, weekly, monthly, or custom periods.
- Payments can be handled in stand-alone mode or via the POS.
- The statement can be printed on the POS or in the back office.
- Auto allocates payments to invoices.
- Credits can also be applied to the customer account.