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About Us
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235


Entertainment Venue

Manage tickets, products, food, and drink sales with a unique retail store point of sale system. The system can help the retailer by automating product management, promotions and purchasing. The software has smart features, provide sales analysis on products being sold real time. The software is also integrated to major card payments solution providers for fast and error free processing.

Easy to View, Flexible Menus

VMAX POS Manager allows for the screens to be configured to suit users depending on the type of environment. The software is flexible enough to allow for the transaction area to be positioned left or right for convenience. To help reduce mistakes and increase server awareness, buttons can also be overlaid with an image file.

At a glance:

Age Verification

To ensure that servers take responsibility for verifying the age of customer when selling restricted items (Alcohol, tobacco or fireworks), on screen dialogue boxes can be set to appear when pre-set items are sold.

Not only is this for the benefit of the server but VMAX POS Software can also show the number of prompts shown and refusals in the server report.

To ensure quick operation, once an age prompt is shown and the customer’s age is confirmed, further age verification prompts are not shown when subsequent items are sold.

This is a useful feature for all retail outlets that sell alcohol and/or tobacco because it puts the responsibility for verifying a customer’s age in the hands of the servers.